Logo Design: A Discussion— continued

In a previous post Click Here, I was having a conversation with a client about rebranding their organization, which included logo design. We met up again later that evening to continue our conversation. Here is some more from that discussion.

Can you make the logo yellow? My wife likes yellow.
Only if it’s appropriate— or you insist against better judgement. Keep in mind we are trying to appeal to your potential customers, not your wife (who is not our demographic).

So, you’re going to show us like 50 different logos to choose from, right?
No. Quality over quantity. Presenting several quality options (with a strong rationale for each) for discussion vs. multitudes of bad options is the way to go. Part of being a design professional is to be able to dismiss work that is not up to par— and not waste time by presenting it to the client.

After we get the logo, then what?
Good question. What are you going to do with it? If it’s a corporate or organizational identity, do you need a stationery program (business cards, letterhead, envelopes, business forms, etc.)? Do you want those items to impress recipients and be of the same caliber as your logo? If so, you need a stationery program designed for you. It’s not just a matter of “sticking the logo on stuff”. Additionally, it should never be misused or altered. Ever. You need to maintain organizational and brand design standards. You’ll have spent good money on getting a great logo. Don’t wreck it. Don’t let a “desktop publishing” person alter it or try to do something “cute” with it. You should actually have a standards manual created and produced to help prevent any questionable use of the logo and to ensure the brand you have been building maintains it’s integrity and momentum.

– Brad Carlyle

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